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Disintegration Apparatus With Water Bath

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VinSyst Disintegration Testers VDT Series determines whether Tablets or Capsules Disintegrate within the prescribed time when placed in a Liquid Medium. We offer Cost-Effective and Fully Calibrated Testers for testing the Disintegration Time of Tablets, Capsules and other Solid Dosage Forms. It is a powerful Micro-Controller based Stepper Motor driven Technology that provides Uninterrupted and Faultless operation.


  • Basket Assembly : 1 no (Total 6 Glass Tubes)
  • With Temperature Controlled Water Bath
  • Digital System
  • Rpm Speed Variable - 30 rpm
  • Strokes/min - (30~32)/min
  • Stroke height - (55±1)/mm
  • Adjustable Timing Range
  • Precision of Timing - ±0.5 min
  • Temperature range 20-50°C
  • Precision of Controlling Temperature - ±0.5ºC
  • Motor - 24 Volt
  • Heater - 125 watt
  • Digital timer (buzzer system) - 999 minutes
  • Temperature controller – Thermostatic
  • Displacement - 55-58 mm
  • Continual Working Time >24 hours
  • Power consumption - 220/230v ac supply single phase 50hz

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